How to fit a Bodyboard Plug

Some of our high end bodyboards don’t come with the plug preinstalled. The reason for this being that the location of the plug can be specific to the person riding the board. Serious bodyboarders will have the plug fitted on either the left or the right hand side of the board depending on their preference, so it makes sense not to have the plug preinstalled in the centre.

Fitting the plug is straightforward and should be done with a large Philips screwdriver. The plug should be installed about 1 hands length from the front of the board where the board is at its thickest (not in the tapered part) and should be about a minimum of a hands width in from either the left or right hand side

Heating the screwdriver with a heat gun is optional but it helps seal the foam when making the hole. With the screwdriver push it through from the top of the board towards the bottom. When the screwdriver reaches the bottom of the board don’t push it all the way through, but turn the board over and push back through the bottom of the board towards the top to complete the hole. The hole can be expanded by gently rotating the screwdriver around in a circular motion in the hole that is made.

The plug can then be pushed through and tightened up. If you have some silicon to hand a drop of that in the hole before the plug is pushed through is a good idea. One last thing, sometimes its necessary to cut the tread down on the plug by a few millimetres to get a tighter fit.

If you are unsure there are videos on YouTube showing how to do it.

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